Request for Program Completion Evaluation/Degree Audit
Request for Program Completion Evaluation/Degree Audit
Diploma Information
Review Your Entry
on nearing the completion of your program! You should submit this request for program completion to the Registrar when you have completed one-half of your program.
1. A copy of this form with your remaining requirements listed on the reverse will be returned to you.
2. If program requirements are complete or in progress, you will receive ceremony information in mid-March.
3. Once this evaluation is completed, you should get approval for all program adjustments from the Registrar to assure that you will complete your program as planned.
4. There is no fee for clearing and posting degrees or certificates to your transcript. There is a fee for ordering diplomas and participating in ceremonies.
5. You will be allowed to participate in ceremonies if you are within 6 credit hours of completing your certificate/AAS, or within 12 credit hours of completing your Associate's/transfer degree.
If you have questions, please email the registrar's office at